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Digital World

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Save the digital world in this new installment of Digimon

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Digital World invites you to enjoy a new chapter of the Digimon series, though this time you'll be the lead character in an immense adventure that manages to perfectly combine the exploration, resource management, and turn-based strategy gameplays into one title.

In Digital World you play one of eight characters from the original series and have the help of any incredibly broad number of digital monsters taken from practically all seasons of anime.

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Your game is divided into three well-differentiated sections: in the first, the management section, you can administer all your creatures and get new monsters for your team, increasing the power of the ones you already have and even digivolving the most powerful ones. In the exploration section you go around the different levels looking for upgrades and resources, always accompanied by your loyal team. And in the most interesting section – the fighting one – you do battle against enemies corrupted by the evil that's devastating the digital world. These battles, which happen in turns, draw on titles of the ilk of Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, although here they offer a much more dynamic and cinematic experience where thanks to the incredible graphics and soundtrack you'll often feel like you're viewing an episode of anime.

The plot in the main story also has nothing to envy the best seasons in the series, which makes Digital World an essential title for anyone who used to enjoy the adventures of Thai and crew back in the day.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher required

Information about Digital World 3.4.31

Package Name vevo.old.gol11
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Strategy
Language English
4 more
Author Digital Fight Studio
Downloads 46,294
Date Jan 10, 2019
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
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slowpurpleelephant28725 icon
in 2019


awesomesilverorange63192 icon
in 2019

outdated version. u can't continue ur game if u download it here. this is old version. they never update. u can find it in play store (early access) dw:tamers

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